About Us
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor E. Frankl
Art for Abhi was established by Raj and Miraj Sanghvi in memory of their son, Abhi, to raise awareness and funding for children's organizations.*
Raj is a pediatric dentist educated at UC Davis and UCLA. She has worked in New York City, inner-city Philadelphia and Sacramento providing oral health care and nutritional education to some of the most vulnerable youth. She has two passions in life: children and art. Art for Abhi is a love story of her passions and a dedication to her dear son Abhi. Abhi had complications at birth that affected his growth and development. With his passing at 18 months came an insurmountable amount of grief. Raj once read that ‘grief is just love with nowhere to go’; hers found a home in Art for Abhi. She channelled that grief and put it back into the world as positive energy.
Art for Abhi is an annual pop-up art event that highlights and supports a local or national children’s organization. A different

organization is chosen every year to bring awareness to different children’s issues. The firm belief that all children deserve better drives Art for Abhi. Health, a safe home and other basic needs to thrive and grow are a child’s right.
The annual pop-up art event is an engine that encourages youth to explore their creativity, benefit from the meditative and healing properties of art, and, in turn, learn the beauty in giving back to their community.
Sometimes, finding moments of joy can seem like a moonshot at best, but remember to dream big. Each and every one of us is a creator, a crafter, a changemaker. Inspire yourself to inspire others.
Live mindfully. Live joyfully. And savor every moment.
*Past donation recipients include United Cerebral Palsy, the Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento, the Sacramento CCHAT (Children’s Choice for Hearing and Talking) Center, the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association, the Mustard Seed School, and FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education).